
I am a:


Languages spoken:

English Ibo (Eastern Nigeria)

Short bio or reason for joining Actionable Innovations Global:

I am a Graduate Student of Humanitarian Studies at the University of Liverpool, qualified ESOL teacher and deeply interested in International Education issues from the developmental perspective.

Global education projects or initiatives in which you are involved (if applicable):

Volunteer ESOL teaching and developing countries' educational improvement projects.

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  • Hi Tiffany,
    Sorry I've been off-air for ages. I knew it would take a while to get my broadband running in the new place but I never thought it would take months! How's your project getting on? Were you able to get somebody? Merry Christmas and my warm regards.
  • Charles,
    I am so sorry I missed our meeting time. I was out last week with my daughter who had the flu. I am back now but know you have a move planned. Please let me know when it is convenient for you to set up another meeting time. You can e-mail me at twynn@ncmcs.org. I look forward to hearing from you soon!
  • How about next Monday or Tuesday? The ideal time for me when I can have all 120 students I teach throughout the day together is 11:30 am which is 3:30 pm your time. I don't know if this time would be possible for you or not. If not, we can work out something else. This is a time calendar for North Carolina and London:

    I look forward to hearing from you. :)
  • Charles,
    We have just started our study of the African continent and have discussed all the stereotypes that we have about what Africa and its people are like. I am sure they will have questions about this. We are also beginning our study of West Africa so students will have some specific questions about Nigeria. I can send you a list of questions before we talk. Do you have Skype and a webcam?
  • Hi Charles. I am a 7th grade social studies teacher in the U.S. (North Carolina) and would like to know if you might be interested in speaking with my students via Skype. Do you have that capability and are you interested in this?
    Tiffany Wynn
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