

Peshawar, KPK

School or Organization:

Academia-Industry Linkage Forum

I am a:

tech director, college or university professor, college or university staff, consultant

Languages spoken:

English, German, Russian, Urdu ( Hindi ) and some what Arabic



Short bio or reason for joining Actionable Innovations Global:

As a researcher I published IQRA Model of Education from Al Quran: that offers : Faith, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom & Peace to improve Global Quality of Life A research study on IQRA at Vrije University, Brussels, Belgium in 2000 was conducted by Visiting Professor Iftikhar Ahmad, as a speaker he presented it CeBIT, Hannover, Germany, Ist Arab International Conference, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, World Future Energy Summit, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Finland & Austria for Academia-Industry Linkages development. Reason for joining GEC: To exchange and share knowledge, experirnce and interact on Academia _ (ndustry Linkages to improve Global Education

Friends (1)
