

Honolulu, Hawaii

Languages spoken:

Japanese language

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  • I have just returned from hospital.I am working in the field of PEACE for last more than two decades. But slow realisation is coming to me that hardly anyone is prepared to adopt PEACE POWER. Almost every one is for VIOLENT POWER not knowing that only PEACE POWER can conquer every thing in life and the world.For this my two books 1)Peace Technology2) Peace TimeCalendar are unwanted. That is why I want to sell the copyright of my two books.The life and world is miserable today because most of us depend on VIOLENT POWER.All these social networkings are virtual as PEACE POWER has not given its due position.
    I think in this life I will not be able to influence the humanity to adopt PEACE POWER as a tool of growth and development.I propose to retire
  • Hi Melvina,
    Since my major focus is in technology, I can pretty much go with any topic. We don't begin school until the 25th. I can speak with the 6th and 8th grade teachers to see what or how we can incorporate Hawaiian/Japenses cultures and language into a collaborative project that would benfit both of our students. We could have them compare the impact of technology on their learning? We have the capability to skpe, wiki, blog and of course email. NIngs are still block at my school but I am working on that. Can your guys do Meebo? gmail?
  • Hi Melvina,

    what do you teach? What is the name of the school. I am a technology teacher in Wilmington, DE. I lived in Honolulu when I was in 3rd grade. I am looking for ideas to a collaborative project. I teach K to 8. Would you be interested in teaming up classes?
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