
San Diego, CA


Associate Professor

School or Organization:

University of San Diego

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college or university professor

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Short bio or reason for joining Actionable Innovations Global:

Viviana Alexandrowicz, Ph.D. is an Associate professor in the Department of Learning and Teaching and Executive Director for the USD's Changemaking Center for K-12 Education. Her areas of expertise and scholarship focus are on cross cultural education, Changemaking, theory and methodology for teaching English as a second language, and inclusive practices. She developed the TESOL graduate program in 2003, is the coordinator for the Bilingual Authorization and TESOL programs, and teaches courses in the multiple subject credential and Master’s programs in the area of second language acquisition methodology and addressing the needs of diverse Learners. She has presented at over 70 conferences in the US and worldwide. Professor Alexandrowicz has been involved in community service learning and engagement for over 20 years, mentoring faculty and guiding students in service. She is a member of the Board of directors of Doors of Change, an organization that serves homeless youth. She is the co-founder of the Open University initiative which provided culturally diverse community members with free access to university courses. She teaches Changemaking in K-12: National and International Perspectives in Madrid, Spain in the Summer. Her publications include the book entitled Theory and Practice and International Models of Changemaker Education and the book Family, School, Community Engagement, and Partnerships.

Global education projects or initiatives in which you are involved (if applicable):

Dr. A is a Global Change leader for Ashoka U and is leading the transformation of teacher preparation programs at USD into Changemaker teacher education.