The Asia Society Partnership for Global Learning annual conference connects educators, business leaders, and policymakers to share best practices, build partnerships, and advance policies to ensure that all students are prepared for work and citizenship in the global 21st century.

  • Learn with world experts about the best resources to prepare our students for post-secondary education and the workforce in an interconnected world.
  • Lead by advocating for global competence as a key priority in American education.

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Early-bird discount ends June 13.

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  • I'm presenting on Friday, twice, 1:45-3 pm and 3:15-4:30 pm.

    Youth to Youth Connections Worldwide  

    Join the ePals Global Community to find partner K12 classrooms and collaborative projects in 200 countries. Communicate using free SchoolMail or ePals Forums, translating to 58 languages. LearningSpace, a powerful social learning network with embedded web 2.0 tools including wikis, blogs and digital workspaces, is used by the IB and others. Post and view student work globally.

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