US Secretary remarks "Many of our schools of education are mediocre at best.Many teachers are poorly trained and isolated in their classrooms"."No other profession carries a greater burden for securing America 'future.And no other profession deserves more respect"Obama administration is seeking $5billion to transform teaching.To me most crucial transformation is to introduce Peace Education from play school to highest level of education to secure not only America's future but the global future. I hope the GEC will take it up with US administration.At this point of time when Iran President said"West made bombs,we suffered killing.Why should we be denied nuclear technology?",US must be positive and sort out the problem of Iran.Isolating Iran will not solve the problem. There is also apprehension of WORLD WAR. At this time, TRANSFORM TEACHING IN US WITH INCORPORATION OF PEACE EDUCATION FROM WOMB TO TOMB AND THE WORLD WILL FOLLOW IT.This is the time.The GEC must take lead.

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  • You may like to look at out work and session in this conference of the Global Learning Framework.

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