Your Name and Title: Julie Lindsay

School or Organization Name: Flat Connections

Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Australia AEDT

Language in Which You Will Present: English

Target Audience(s):

Teachers, education leaders, teacher-trainees, administrators, anyone interested in educational change, global learning and digital/online technologies to support connected and collaborative learning

Short Session Description:

It is imperative all educators become global - but what does this mean and how does it happen?

Full Session Description:

How do we define the global educator? Is it a qualification? Is it a self-declaration? Can it be proven through disposition, curriculum design, workflow, pedagogical approach, use of digital technology, or an ability to adapt and be flexible in learning? Is it all of these? As soon as the word ‘global’ is used we think about ‘global competency’ – are educators ready themselves to prepare students for adopting understandings that are global? The role online technologies play in supporting global educators is a significant factor also as it is through the use of emerging and established online technologies that global educators connect, communicate and collaborate.

Based on authentic material collected over the past 12+ months from global educators across the world this session explores the essential qualities of a global educator and a global education leader as well as global collaboration and learning design to go global, and provides strategies for becoming global.

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:


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  • Co-Chair

    Julie, can you please add the official tags to this proposal so that they show up in the conference strands? Thanks!

  • Hi Julie!
    When are you presenting?
    I wouldn't want to miss your talk!
    • Hi Fabiana, yes I am presenting on Tuesday Nov.17 at 2pm EST

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