Phoenix AZ
Phoenix AZ
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Short bio or reason for joining Actionable Innovations Global:
I have been a professional educator for over 50 years. I completed my BA in Education at ASU, and earned my M.Ed. and Ed.D. degrees from the University of Massachusetts-Amherst. I began my teaching career in special education and have taught grades 1-6. I have had many administrative/leadership roles throughout my career including elementary principal, special education director, director of a private school for the deaf, coordinator of a Professional Development School (PDS) program in the Madison District affiliated with ASU-West, and teacher education lecturer at ASU-West. Courses I have taught include action research, classroom instruction and management, curriculum organization, technology integration in the K-12 classroom, classroom assessment, and the student teaching capstone seminar. Since my second "retirement" in May 2007, I have been involved in many educational technology projects related to Web 2.0 and best practices for technology integration in schools/universities. I formerly co-hosted the weekly Classroom 2.0 LIVE webinars (2009-2018) on Blackboard Collaborate which were dedicated to supporting teachers with resources and practical suggestions for incorporating Web 2.0 technologies into their teaching and learning. All of the recordings are resources are still available in the archives. I am also an active AzTEA Member (ISTE Affiliate). My passion is continuing to explore all of the latest technology innovations and social networking opportunities for engaging students/teachers in powerful interactive learning experiences, and to share these resources with other educators.
Global education projects or initiatives in which you are involved (if applicable):
Not involved in any global education projects currently but I am very interested. I participate in many online global education opportunities (webinars, conferences, podcasts).
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I started a discussion but I am not sure it has shown up yet.
Here is the url. I would appreciate any comment swhen you get a chance.
Are you the same Peggy who ran the Postcard Geography?