


I am a:

teacher, other

Languages spoken:

Englsih, German, Italian, French and Swedish



Short bio or reason for joining Actionable Innovations Global:

I am interested in educational matters and European funding I am the president of EFFEKTNET, www.effektnet.com

Global education projects or initiatives in which you are involved (if applicable):

Comenius, Leonardo da Vinci, Young and Active, Gruntvig. Nordplus

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  • Hi, Tina, do you know ePals? It's the largest online community of K12 students, in 200 countries with 27 million unique visitors each month. You don't have to "join" to view student work.

    Your students can view videos created by students in other places -- Idaho, Senegal, etc. -- free in the ePals Video Vault. Teachers submit videos to ePals, and staff review before posting.

    17 one-minute videos by students in Senegal ages 10-13 show "before school" activities....milking the cow, skimming cream to make butter; going to a well to draw water and carry it home on one's head; and more.

    ePals has free projects. My favorites:
    * The Way We Are: Your students compare their lives with students in another country or countries.
    *Digital Storytelling

    You may join the ePals Global Community by submitting your profile at: www.epals.com and click on "Join" in the upper right.
    You may also get free SchoolMail for your students.

    Find help on projects in the Project Forums.
    The Way We Are Forums: http://www.epals.com/forums/148.aspx
    Only teachers can post questions and answers in the Teacher Forum; only students can post in the Student Forum. Everyone can read questions and answers without signing in.

    Translation is available in 58 languages in profiles and in SchoolMail.

    All of the things I mention are free and have a high level of student safety built in. If your students post something on the Student Forum with personally identifible information, phone number, email address, etc., the moderators will take that out. Also, only "civil discourse" is allowed, no namecalling or other inappropriate comments. Just asking your students to read through comments in some of the Student Forums to learn about other places from students living there!
  • Hi Neil,

    just to make sure...How old are your students? Ours are 16-19 years old but if yours are younger I can pass this on to other colleagues in our municipality...
    Yours Christina
  • Hello-

    I'm a teacher in Calgary, Alberta helping a group of grade 8 students at my school conduct a global survey on worldviews. I'm wondering if you might be willing to take this survey (less than 5 mins) and perhaps spread it around - particularly with your students. We're trying to get as many non-North American respondents as we can.

    You can get to the survey by clicking here.

    Thanks so much for your consideration!
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