Monday, February 4, 2013 (12)

Feb 4, 2013
October 9, 2010
  • Food and Culture - a Global, Collaborative Classrooms Project

  • Oct 9, 2010 to Dec 31, 2013
  • Location: Online and in your classrooms
  • Description: Let your students learn with the world, not just about the world!The purpose of this project is the development of a global, collaborative classrooms project which will provide a context for students to:* Develop knowledge, skills and habits conducive to excellent health* Practice habits of responsible citizenship - locally to globally* Develop Global Competencies by studying "with" the world instead of "about" the world* Develop critical 21st Century Skills* Become engaged in a rigorous, relevant and real-world project* Engage the knowledge within the disciplines through research, problem solving and application* Learn - as opposed to memorizing then forgetting discrete factsThe initial sources of inspiration for this project were the book, Hungry Planet - What the World Eats, which is both a beautiful and profound essay on the people of our planet and the food they eat; the Edible Schoolyard Project where students grow and cook their own food, as many of the content standards are tau
  • Created by: Anne Shaw
March 5, 2011
  • Global Media Literacy Network

  • Mar 5, 2011 to Mar 1, 2016
  • Location: Global, Online & Belgrade
  • Description:



    • The main goal of the Platform will be the collection, promotion and dissemination of the mew methodologies, projects and audio visual tools in new and traditional media.
    • Everybody working in media literacy is welcome to become a member of the Platform without membership fee if accepted to promote the Platform and give to the Platform one or more creative projects application.
    • The Platform will offer to the members wide online visibility, events, workshops and seminars and large list of potential partners for international cooperation and projects.
    • The Platform will offer to every member online space and editorial rights for providing information, audio visual promotion of multimedia productions and call for participation through easy and user friendly online software.
    • Open a Media Literacy Market to trade expertise and profit from th
  • Created by: Miomir Rajcevic
January 5, 2013
  • Certificate Programs in Cultural Diplomacy & International Relations

  • Jan 5, 2013 at 10:00am to Feb 5, 2013 at 7:00pm
  • Location: ICD
  • Description:

    Overview: The Certificate Program in Cultural Diplomacy & International Relations, offered by the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy,  is a one-month long program that explores the role of cultural diplomacy in contemporary international relations. The course combines both theory and practice, making it a unique experience for those interested in this innovative and growing field of study.

    Each program features lectures, seminars and workshops led by experts from the fields of international politics, diplomacy, academia, civil society, and the private sector. In addition to courses taught by leading practitioners in the field of Cultural Diplomacy, students will participate in the diverse activities of the ICD, including international conferences and forums,  social activities and cultural events. The educational programs of the Center for Cultural diplomacy Studies are actively supported by notable figures in international politics, academia, the diplomatic community, civil society, and

  • Created by: Marc Donfried
January 14, 2013
  • #ETMOOC Massive Online Course Educational Technology and Media K-12

  • Jan 14, 2013 at 6:00pm to Mar 27, 2013 at 7:00pm
  • Location: Cyberspace
  • Description:

    Happy New Year everyone!

    If you are receiving this email, you’ve signed up for #etmooc. We’re set to start very soon so this message is meant to serve as a reminder and to help you get oriented to the upcoming events and activities. If you are receiving this message in error, we apologize, and want to let you know that there are unsubscription options found below.

    As we develop #etmooc, we will continue to add information to the website found at Keep on eye on it, or subscribe via RSS. If you don’t know what that means, we’ll be covering RSS during orientation week so don’t worry.

    We’ve outlined various things we’d like you to do in preparation for #etmooc under the Orientation page found at This is an important read as the learning environment is a truly networked space, and can feel quite complex and overwhelming at times. #etmooc is intentionally designed to help you better understand these complexities as we collectively explore eme

  • Created by: Lorne Upton
January 22, 2013
  • Education for Environmental Stewardship PD e-course

  • Jan 22, 2013 at 7:00pm to Feb 19, 2013 at 8:30pm
  • Location: Online
  • Description:

    Fostering stewardship for the environment is critical in the context of climate change, deforestation and urbanization. Educators have an important role to play in teaching youth about the environment, sustainability, and our dependence on natural resources. This course is designed to develop educators' competencies in environmental education. Course material draws on environmental education research and best practices from the teaching field. Using online and offline resources and tools, we will discuss the critical need for meaningful environmental education, and how to foster a sense of environmental stewardship for students through a project-based, practical approach.

    TakingITGlobal’s graduate level, accredited e-courses attract educators from around the world. Identifying practical ways to implement pedagogies that reinforce the development of 21st century skills in students is the primary focus of these offerings. Each course is designed to support educators' unique needs and curr

  • Created by: Kate Gatto
January 23, 2013
  • Empowering Student Voice in Education PD e-course

  • Jan 23, 2013 at 1:00pm to Feb 27, 2013 at 2:30pm
  • Location: Online
  • Description:

    Around the world, a growing number of educators recognize the unique perspectives of students and the importance of including student voice in both educational policy and practice. This course is designed to help educators understand the value of cultivating and engaging student voice both inside and outside the classroom. Course material draws on the experiences of educators who have incorporated student voice in their teaching practice and designed experiences and projects that empower students to have an equal say in the decision-making processes that shape their education. Educators will critically examine the current state of student voice in their educational contexts, and work towards designing a project that enables and enhances student voice.

    TakingITGlobal’s graduate level, accredited e-courses attract educators from around the world. Identifying practical ways to implement pedagogies that reinforce the development of 21st century skills in students is the primary focus of the

  • Created by: Kate Gatto
  • Project-based Learning for Global Citizenship PD e-course

  • Jan 23, 2013 at 7:00pm to Feb 20, 2013 at 8:00pm
  • Location: Online
  • Description:

    The world is in dire need of young leaders who understand the interconnectedness of global problems, have the capacity to collaborate across cultural and political lines, and are empowered to develop new solutions to the world's most serious challenges. Teachers are in a position to cultivate the knowledge, 21st Century skills, values and behaviours needed to foster such global leaders. This course will help teachers to develop a foundational toolbox of pedagogies, methodologies, and resources for developing transformative global experiences which humanize global issues and engage your students in creating positive global change.

    TakingITGlobal’s graduate level, accredited e-courses attract educators from around the world. Identifying practical ways to implement pedagogies that reinforce the development of 21st century skills in students is the primary focus of these offerings. Each course is designed to support educators' unique needs and curriculum requirements. e-Courses feature five

  • Created by: Kate Gatto
February 4, 2013
  • E-Learning Course program in Cultural Diplomacy & International Relations

  • Feb 4, 2013 to Feb 28, 2013
  • Location: ICD - Berlin, Germany
  • Description:

    E-Learning Course program in Cultural Diplomacy & International Relations

    (February 4th- 28th 2013; March 4th-29th 2013; April 1st-26th 2013)

    The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies (of the ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy) (CCDS) has developed the Distance Learning department in order to offer and enable different programs to individuals who are interested in field of cultural diplomacy and related areas to have an opportunity to increase their knowledge and experience in this fascinating field. Each program includes four main courses, which are taught in our Masters and PhD programs. In addition, the program offers access to high profile guest lectures, reading material and professional networking opportunities to promote one’s own projects.

    The course will provide insights into how modern cultural diplomacy can be practiced in a wide variety of settings and contexts around the world. The key objectives of the program are to provide students with an in-depth understanding of the the

  • Created by: Marc Donfried
  • The e-Learning Course program in Cultural Diplomacy and Global Economy

  • Feb 4, 2013 at 6:00pm to Feb 28, 2013 at 7:00pm
  • Location: Berlin, Germany
  • Description:

    The e-Learning Course program in Cultural Diplomacy and Global Economy

    (February 4th- 28th 2013; March 4th-29th 2013; April 1st-26th 2013)


    The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies (of the ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy) (CCDS) has developed the Distance Learning department in order to offer and enable different programs to individuals who are interested in field of cultural diplomacy and related areas to have an opportunity to increase their knowledge and experience in this fascinating field. Each program includes four main courses, which are taught in our Masters and PhD programs. In addition, the program offers access to high profile guest lectures, reading material and professional networking opportunities to promote one’s own projects.

    Certificate/Accreditation - All students will be awarded an official certificate accredited by the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy’s academic board upon completion of the program. Each certificate will be signed by members of the ICD Academy and

  • Created by: Marc Donfried
  • The e-Learning Courses in Cultural Diplomacy in Africa

  • Feb 4, 2013 at 6:00pm to Feb 28, 2013 at 7:00pm
  • Location: ICD - Berlin, Germany
  • Description:

    The e-Learning Courses in Cultural Diplomacy in Africa

    (February 4th- 28th 2013; March 4th-29th 2013; April 1st-26th 2013)

    The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies (of the ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy) (CCDS) has developed the Distance Learning department in order to offer and enable different programs to individuals who are interested in field of cultural diplomacy and related areas to have an opportunity to increase their knowledge and experience in this fascinating field. Each program includes four main courses, which are taught in our Masters and PhD programs. In addition, the program offers access to high profile guest lectures, reading material and professional networking opportunities to promote one’s own projects.

    Further to the History and Evaluation of The cultural Diplomacy Field and its applications, this program will emphasize how cultural diplomacy can be used as an increasingly useful tool for building cooperation both regionally and globally, and explores avenues th

  • Created by: Marc Donfried
  • E-Learning Course program in Cultural Diplomacy and the Media

  • Feb 4, 2013 at 6:00pm to Feb 28, 2013 at 7:00pm
  • Location: ICD, Berlin - Germany
  • Description:

    The e-Learning Course program in Cultural Diplomacy and the Media

    (February 4th- 28th 2013; March 4th-29th 2013; April 1st-26th 2013)

     The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies (of the ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy) (CCDS) has developed the Distance Learning department in order to offer and enable different programs to individuals who are interested in field of cultural diplomacy and related areas to have an opportunity to increase their knowledge and experience in this fascinating field. Each program includes four main courses, which are taught in our Masters and PhD programs. In addition, the program offers access to high profile guest lectures, reading material and professional networking opportunities to promote one’s own projects.

    Certificate/Accreditation - All students will be awarded an official certificate accredited by the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy’s academic board upon completion of the program. Each certificate will be signed by members of the ICD Academy and Advis

  • Created by: Marc Donfried