


I am a:

teacher, library-media specialist, tech coordinator, administrator

Languages spoken:

English, Afrikaans, Sotho


https://www.nederburgschool.org, www.nederburgschool.dreamhosters.com

Short bio or reason for joining Actionable Innovations Global:

I am passionate about shaping and developing young bright minds.

Global education projects or initiatives in which you are involved (if applicable):

www.nederburgschool.dreamhosters.com A website where learners and teachers can embark together on projects. 1st challenging topic is School Culture. Need more schools involve.

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  • Errol, my Tenth Grade English students study colonialism and post-colonialism and could benefit from connecting with you and your students through our class Ning: http://crossperspectivecollaboration.ning.com/.  Please friend me or send me an email if you have students who would like to learn something about America and help our kids in the process.  Thanks!  George
  • "I am Africa. This is my story..." YouTube digital storytelling campaign and Ning community sponsored by UNESCO PPN.

    We have launched a digital story telling site and resources for African schools, NGOs and media organizations.. You can join, download curriculum or have youth view the site.This is great media, social platform to teach African youth that they have right to express themselves and that good ethics and hard work really do deliver successful people.
    goto: http://i-am-the-story.ning.com

    There is a downloadable curriculum and a train the traininer certification program for you organization on how to put on these workshops. You can see this in practice in the Cameroon group on the site.

    UNESCO PPN funded this because they agreed that the false images of African youth by international press need to be reversed. Now is our chance to demonstrate that and give our young staff members a change to express themselves. It should be empowering and loads of fun. Some of these stories were made with cell phones.

    For your staff and educators there is a full curriculum "How to tell a digital story" guides available for downloads and sample of African Youth Digital Storytelling YouTubes

    We hope this helps you work. If you know of small African groups with no funds they can use our community as their website and to tell their story at no cost.

    Please join us in helping African youth tell their wonderful stories of persistence, intelligence and grace.

    Richard C. Close
    Servant – CEO
    Chrysalis Campaign, Inc

  • Errol:
    I saw what ypo send. My friend Ethel Miranda, music teacher, also. Here is some information of our hometown, San Germán.
  • Hello from San Germán. Puerto Rico. I''m a school librarian and I would love to have my kids from first to 6 grade to exchange cultural and educational experiences in the Caribbean with your groups.
  • Will certainly connect with Nathima. Thanks for your help.

  • I registered at your school site but can't get access to the Virtual School link. I am able to see the others though. Can we get together on Skype next week? We are doing testing this week but next week would be great. Here is the link for the time difference between us. Looks like first thing in the morning would be best for us. Let me know if this works for you.
  • I would like my 7th grade students (12-13 years old) to communicate with students in South Africa. Do you have Skype at your school and would teachers/students be willing to talk with us?
    Tiffany Wynn
  • Thanks for your response. Is it possible for you to provide me the name of the school in SOuth Africa and the teacher with whom I can corrrespond.

    Sushmita Hodges
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