Past Events (583)

Date range
April 6, 2013
  • Raising Global Intelligence in K-12 Schools Workshop

  • Apr 6, 2013 at 9:00am to Apr 14, 2013 at 12:00pm
  • Location: Boston
  • Description:

    The Global Leadership Education Group is found by graduate students in Boston University in 2012. 

    Mission: We foster the next generation's social and global responsibilities on human rights and environmental issues.

    Vision: Teachers in every subject design lessons in global competency development and share their practical knowledge with other educators.
    Students recognize global issues and its relevance to their community, plan to resolve those issues, and take actions.
    The workshop helps educators realize why raising global awareness in class is critical in the 21st century. The end-goal of the workshop is to help educators embed global citizenship and leadership components in their teaching methods. Please visit the website for more information at
  • Created by: Sookyoung Lee
April 4, 2013
  • Share and Tell with the Global Education Network

  • Apr 4, 2013 from 8:00pm to 9:30pm
  • Location:
  • Description:

    The Global Education Conference Network holds weekly Google+ Hangouts on Air events for educators who are interested finding out about opportunities for project-based learning and connecting to other schools around the world. This is an informal, drop in opportunity for educators to get to know one another and share. 

    On April 4, interested participants are welcome to pitch any projects that they are organizing or share any valuable resources that they have used in their classrooms. We also will be discussing plans for our face-to-face Global Education Summit at the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Conference. (This is different than our official online conference which will take place during November of 2013). 

    Find out how to participate here:

  • Created by: Lucy Gray
March 24, 2013
  • The Creativity Workshop in Prague

  • Mar 24, 2013 at 10:00am to Mar 30, 2013 at 1:00pm
  • Location: Hotel Paris
  • Description:

    The Creativity Workshop in Prague will help you be more creative in your personal and professional life. To this end, the Workshop uses the tools of creative writing, memoir, art, photography, storytelling, mapmaking, and guided visualization.

    Home to Kafka and Mozart, Prague is a charming city of grand pastel colored buildings, world-class music, enchanting puppet theatres, and verdant parks.

    Class will take place in the famous Old Town district, which is primarily for pedestrians only. The Workshop meets for 5 days, 3 1/2 hours per day. You will have the rest of the time to take in this breathtaking city, famous for its blocks of original Baroque and Art Nouveau buildings.

    The Creativity Workshop is attended by people from many different countries and professions, including business, education, psychology, the sciences and the arts. Experts agree that creativity is key to success in all professions. It also helps individuals feel more fulfilled, relaxed, and happier. Travel outside our

  • Created by: Ceci Glusman
March 14, 2013
  • Open Up a World of Opportunity: Global Learning in Expanded Learning Time

  • Mar 14, 2013 from 8:00pm to 9:00pm
  • Location: online
  • Description:

    Part of a free webinar series - Global Learning for Educators

    Global learning calls for a new approach beyond traditional school-community partnerships. It requires that students not only learn about other countries and cultures, but also apply their learning to complex local and global issues. As districts, schools, and educators strive to connect learning in and out of school, innovative models are emerging that redesign partnerships, staffing, time, curriculum, and use of technology. Learn about the framework and get a series of tools for creating expanded learning programs that bolster students’ global competence and academic success through project-based learning, service learning projects, internships, and other learning experiences outside of school hours and walls.

    Presenters: Alexis Menten, Director, Afterschool and Youth Leadership Initiatives, Asia Society
    Elizabeth Colby, Extended Learning Coordinator/Afterschool Director, Newfound Regional High School, Bristol, New Hampshi

  • Created by: Honor Moorman
  • International Conference New Perspective in Science Education

  • Mar 14, 2013 to Mar 15, 2013
  • Location: Grand Hotel Mediterraneo
  • Description:

    10153977296?profile=originalThe 2nd edition of the New Perspective in Science Education Conference will take place in Florence, Italy,  on 14 - 15 March 2013.

    The objective of the New Perspective in Science Education Conference is to promote transnational cooperation and share good practice in the field of innovation for science education. The New Perspective in Science Education Conference is also an excellent opportunity for the presentation of previous and current projects in the science field.

    The Call for Papers, within the New Perspective in Science Education Conference, is addressed to teachers, researchers and experts in the field of science education as well as to  coordinators of science and training projects.

    Experts  in the field of science teaching and learning are therefore invited to submit an abstract of a paper to be presented  during the New Perspective in Science Education international conference. The abstract should be written in English (between 200 and 500 words) and sent via e-mail to science

  • Created by: Lorenzo Martellini
March 10, 2013
  • The Creativity Workshop in Istanbul

  • Mar 10, 2013 at 10:00am to Mar 16, 2013 at 1:00pm
  • Location: Hotel Sultania
  • Description:

    The Creativity Workshop in Istanbul will help you be more creative in your personal and professional life. To this end, the Workshop uses the tools of creative writing, memoir, art, photography, storytelling, mapmaking, associative thinking, body relaxation and guided visualization. We carefully choose our worldwide locations, such as Istanbul, for their uniqueness and inspirational qualities.

    The Creativity Workshop will take place in Sultanahamet, the historic district of Istanbul, at Hotel Sultania 
    You will be walking distance from the ABlue Mosque, Agia Sophia, and Topkapi Palace.

    Istanbul is one of the most remarkable cities in the world. It is feast for our eyes and ears, those luminous portals of our imagination. Straddling Europe and Asia, Istanbul is a place where literally east meets west and history meets the future. Newsweek recently named Istanbul “the coolest city in the world”.

    Istanbul is traditionally known for Ottoman and Byzantine architectural beauties such as Topkapi

  • Created by: Ceci Glusman
March 4, 2013
  • The e-Learning Course on Cultural Diplomacy in the USA (March 4th - 29th, 2013 or April 1st - 26th, 2013)

  • Mar 4, 2013 at 10:00am to Apr 21, 2013 at 7:00pm
  • Location: ICD
  • Description:

    The e-Learning Course in Cultural Diplomacy in the USA offers a curriculum exploring the role of the United States on the global stage and the importance of Cultural Diplomacy in promoting and maintaining amicable relations with other nations. In an increasingly globalized world, the future role of the US is under question, and this e-Learning Course will explore and analyze the ways in which this traditional “superpower” will have to adapt if it is to remain competitive in light of the increasing economic and political power of the four BRIC countries: Brazil, Russia, China, and India. As these countries grow in economic strength, it is imperative that the United States promote fruitful international relations so as to establish a positive framework in which to negotiate and cooperate with developing economic powers. Cultural Diplomacy will be a key tool in establishing this framework, providing a peaceful and enriching vehicle for the creation of a mutual understanding. The key objec

  • Created by: Marc Donfried
March 1, 2013
  • The Creativity Workshop in New York

  • Mar 1, 2013 at 10:00am to Mar 4, 2013 at 1:00pm
  • Location: The Meta Center
  • Description:

    The Creativity Workshop in New York City will help you be more creative in your personal and professional life. To this end, the Workshop uses the tools of creative writing, memoir, art, photography, storytelling, mapmaking, and guided visualization. New York City is famous for its museums, cultural life, shopping and restaurants. It is a great place to recharge your energy and find inspiration.

    The Workshop meets for 3 hours a day. You will have the rest of the time to wander around the city.

    The Creativity Workshop is attended by people from many different countries and professions, including business, education, psychology, the sciences and the arts.

    Experts agree that creativity is key to success in all professions. It also helps individuals feel more fulfilled, relaxed, and happier.

    Many people who have taken The Creativity Workshop say that it was an essential and transformative experience. It helped them write their books, start new companies, complete long overdue projects, transit

  • Created by: Ceci Glusman
February 28, 2013
  • Students as Linguists and Diplomats: Eight Principles for Creative World Language Teaching

  • Feb 28, 2013 from 8:00pm to 9:00pm
  • Location: online
  • Description:

    Part of a free webinar series - Global Learning for Educators

    Language teaching is fundamentally about much more than learning how to introduce oneself, chat about the weather, or ask what time it is. At its core, effective language teaching provides students with the necessary tools to recognize and apply patterns in language and culture, and creates a learning environment in which students are asked constantly to make meaning for themselves. The best language programs are more than mere classes within the walls of a school—they are jumping-off points for explorations in and beyond the target language that offer students the opportunity to interact and communicate across linguistic and cultural borders, and to develop a range of cognitive and academic skills that can be applied across subject areas. As such, they are the basis for all the learning that happens in schools that offer a global education.
 Through this lively session, understand the fundamental principles for creating lang

  • Created by: Honor Moorman
February 20, 2013
  • MA in Euro-Mediterranean & Cultural Studies with Emphasis on Cultural Diplomacy: Babes-Bolyai University BBU) in cooperation with the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD)

  • Feb 20, 2013 from 10:00am to 7:00pm
  • Location: ICD
  • Description:


    Operating under a joint partnership, The Euro-Mediterranean University (EMUNI), and the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy are the first institutions to offer a Master of Arts degree program that will educate students from around the world in several academic disciplines related to International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy with an emphasis on Euro-Mediterranean Studies. The MA Program is designed therefore to provide students with an in-depth awareness and expertise in the discipline of International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy, within the context of the Euro-Mediterranean region.


    Key Objectives of the Program:


    • ·To provide students with an in depth understanding of the theory and practice of international relations within the contemporary interdependent world placing a particular emphasis on cultural diplomacy within this framework
    • ·To educate students about cultural diplomacy within the context of the political, economic and cultural pillars upon which sustainable inte
  • Created by: Marc Donfried
February 17, 2013
  • MA in International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy: Babes-Bolyai University (BBU) in cooperation with the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD)

  • Feb 17, 2013 at 6:00pm to May 3, 2013 at 7:00pm
  • Location: The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (Berlin)
  • Description:

    MA in International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy: Babes-Bolyai University (BBU) in cooperation with the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD)

    Where: Germany: Berlin; Romania: Cluj-Napoca

    When: Year Round

    Next Program Start:

    Spring Semester: February 18th - May 17th, 2013;

    Summer Semester, Start: June 10th – September 06th, 2013

    The Key Objectives of the program are:

    •To provide students with an in depth understanding of the theory and practice of international relations within the contemporary interdependent world placing a particular emphasis on cultural diplomacy within this framework

    •To educate students about cultural diplomacy within the context of the political, economic and cultural pillars upon which sustainable international relations are based.

    •To analyze soft power and hard power strategies within the international relations discourse in the recognition that each element is mutually important and compatible in what Prof. Joseph Nye has characterized as “smart power.”

    The MA in

  • Created by: Marc Donfried
  • MA in Cultural Diplomacy and the Global Economy: Babes-Bolyai University in cooperation with the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy

  • Feb 17, 2013 at 6:00pm to May 3, 2013 at 7:00pm
  • Location: The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (Berlin)
  • Description:

    The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy: The MA degree is offered and awarded by the Babes-Bolyai University (BBU) in cooperation with the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD)

    Where: Germany: Berlin; Romania: Cluj-Napoca

    When: Year Round

    Overview: The MA program in Cultural Diplomacy and the Global Economy is a two-year program consisting of two semesters in Berlin and two at the Babeş-Bolyai University.

    The Key Objectives of the program are:

    •To provide students with an in-depth understanding of the theory and practice of global economics and Cultural Diplomacy, as well as the basics and foundations of how the fields work together.

    •To explore the historic and recent developments in international economics and cultural diplomacy and to prepare students for future developments in the evolving global economy.

    •To analyze the developments in the field of cultural diplomacy and to create and apply strategies of how cultural diplomacy can further influence, support, and strengthen the activity of

  • Created by: Marc Donfried
February 14, 2013
  • The Creativity Workshop in Singapore

  • Feb 14, 2013 at 10:00am to Feb 17, 2013 at 1:00pm
  • Location: Hotel Oxford
  • Description:

    The workshop in Singapore will take place on the campus of The Singapore Management University, located in the city center.

    We are recommending the Oxford Hotel as being walking distance to the campus.

    The Creativity Workshop in Singapore will help you be more creative in your personal and professional life. To this end, the Workshop uses the tools of creative writing, memoir, art, photography, storytelling, mapmaking, and guided visualization.

    This intensive long weekend Creativity Workshop meets for 4 hours a day. You will have the rest of the time to take in this vibrant international city.

    The Creativity Workshop is attended by people from many different countries and professions, including business, education, psychology, the sciences and the arts. Experts agree that creativity is key to success in all professions. It also helps individuals feel more fulfilled, relaxed, and happier. Travel outside our own culture is known to be one of the greatest inspirations to creativity and self d

  • Created by: Ceci Glusman
February 11, 2013
  • Natural Disasters: An Interdisciplinary Look at Response, Observation, and Action

  • Feb 11, 2013 from 6:30pm to 8:00pm
  • Location: Barnard College, Event Oval, The Diana Center
  • Description:
    Join Barnard College professors Deborah Coen and Martin Stute, and The New York Times' Andrew Revkin, as they explore how societies cope with natural disasters. Please share this information with anyone who may want to attend this free event.
    From front page news to scientific journals, there is no denying that the modern world remains vulnerable 
to natural disasters. But how have understandings of these forces changed over time, and how have
 past experiences shaped today’s responses to disasters? Join Barnard professors Deborah Coen and Martin Stute, and The New York Times'Andrew Revkin, as they explore the relationship of eyewitness experiences to expert knowledge and to government and community response. How will societies attempt to cope with the inevitable natural disasters of the future?
  • Created by: Lindsay Stuffle
February 4, 2013
  • E-Learning Course program in Cultural Diplomacy and the Media

  • Feb 4, 2013 at 6:00pm to Feb 28, 2013 at 7:00pm
  • Location: ICD, Berlin - Germany
  • Description:

    The e-Learning Course program in Cultural Diplomacy and the Media

    (February 4th- 28th 2013; March 4th-29th 2013; April 1st-26th 2013)

     The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies (of the ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy) (CCDS) has developed the Distance Learning department in order to offer and enable different programs to individuals who are interested in field of cultural diplomacy and related areas to have an opportunity to increase their knowledge and experience in this fascinating field. Each program includes four main courses, which are taught in our Masters and PhD programs. In addition, the program offers access to high profile guest lectures, reading material and professional networking opportunities to promote one’s own projects.

    Certificate/Accreditation - All students will be awarded an official certificate accredited by the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy’s academic board upon completion of the program. Each certificate will be signed by members of the ICD Academy and Advis

  • Created by: Marc Donfried
  • The e-Learning Courses in Cultural Diplomacy in Africa

  • Feb 4, 2013 at 6:00pm to Feb 28, 2013 at 7:00pm
  • Location: ICD - Berlin, Germany
  • Description:

    The e-Learning Courses in Cultural Diplomacy in Africa

    (February 4th- 28th 2013; March 4th-29th 2013; April 1st-26th 2013)

    The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies (of the ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy) (CCDS) has developed the Distance Learning department in order to offer and enable different programs to individuals who are interested in field of cultural diplomacy and related areas to have an opportunity to increase their knowledge and experience in this fascinating field. Each program includes four main courses, which are taught in our Masters and PhD programs. In addition, the program offers access to high profile guest lectures, reading material and professional networking opportunities to promote one’s own projects.

    Further to the History and Evaluation of The cultural Diplomacy Field and its applications, this program will emphasize how cultural diplomacy can be used as an increasingly useful tool for building cooperation both regionally and globally, and explores avenues th

  • Created by: Marc Donfried
  • The e-Learning Course program in Cultural Diplomacy and Global Economy

  • Feb 4, 2013 at 6:00pm to Feb 28, 2013 at 7:00pm
  • Location: Berlin, Germany
  • Description:

    The e-Learning Course program in Cultural Diplomacy and Global Economy

    (February 4th- 28th 2013; March 4th-29th 2013; April 1st-26th 2013)


    The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies (of the ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy) (CCDS) has developed the Distance Learning department in order to offer and enable different programs to individuals who are interested in field of cultural diplomacy and related areas to have an opportunity to increase their knowledge and experience in this fascinating field. Each program includes four main courses, which are taught in our Masters and PhD programs. In addition, the program offers access to high profile guest lectures, reading material and professional networking opportunities to promote one’s own projects.

    Certificate/Accreditation - All students will be awarded an official certificate accredited by the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy’s academic board upon completion of the program. Each certificate will be signed by members of the ICD Academy and

  • Created by: Marc Donfried