Past Events (584)

Date range
December 6, 2011
  • محاضرة الكترونية مجانية موضوعهاالتجربة هي أفضل معلم -- التقاط ونشرالخبرة باستخدام تقنيات التعلم والمحاكاة Experience is the Best Teacher - Capturing and Deploying Experience using Simulations and Imme

  • Dec 6, 2011 from 9:00pm to 10:00pm
  • Location: Anywhere
  • Description:

    الضيف المتحدث :
    كن سبيرو ، العضو المنتدب ، التعلم غامرة جامعة NexLearn
    وصف الدورة
    عند تعيين موظف جديد أو تشجيع شخص ما من الداخل ، ومعظم المنظمات نبحث عن الخبرة المناسبة للموقف والمسؤوليات. على الرغم من المهارات هي جزء مهم من المتطلبات ، وغالبا ما تواجه ينسخ المهارات لأنه من الضروري أن يكون المرشح قادرا على الاستفادة من هذه المهارات في سياق تطبيق كل من الخبرة والتفكير النقدي لهذه الحالة.
    المنظمات عادة استخدام استراتيجيات التدريب لتحسين الأداء التي تم إنشاؤها على تقنيات التصميم التعليمي. عندما يكون مطلوبا الخبرات والقضايا الظرفية ، وتتطلب بالتالي الحس النقدي للتصدي بشكل فعال ، والتعليم ليس كافيا. في هذه الورشة ، وسوف تثبت للمتكلم منهجية لالتقاط ونشر في نهاية المطاف المحاكاة التي تترجم خبرة معينة في طرائق التعلم التي تشرك المتعلم ومساعدتهم على تطبيق تجربة محاكاة لمواقف الحياة الحقيقية. ونتيجة لهذا النهج هو أن المحاكاة ، والفكر من مرة واحدة غير واقعي ، وذلك لأن التكلفة والوقت ، يمكن أن تصبح جزءا أساسيا من أي محفظة منظمات التعلم بطريقة عملية جدا.
    أهداف التعلم
    1) فهم ما يتم تصميم التجربة وكيف

  • Created by: Mohamed Omar
  • Online Certificate Course on Effective Grant Proposal Writing [1st Dece. - 21st Dec. 2011]

  • Dec 1, 2011 at 9:00am to Dec 21, 2011 at 7:00pm
  • Location: Online (Internet)
  • Description:


    The course provides an understanding of and practice in grant proposal writing for non-profits, foundations, and government agencies. Our online structured proposal writing course will show you how to write a proposal that gets funded. These distance learning course will teach you to prepare grants proposal effectively and find the best funding sources for your projects and non-profit.

    The course is designed for both novice and experienced grantseekers, it is a comprehensive, hands-on training that covers researching funding sources and writing award winning proposals. Other topics covered include: defining objectives, researching and getting to know the donor; how to prepare a logical framework analysis (LFA); preparing budgets; and how to follow up with the donor. Further, the course will teach you how to use a standard proposal writing format, the most widely used in the world. During the course participants will search out funding sources and you will develop a pro

  • Created by: Don Prince Melito
November 26, 2011
  • Present at NileTESOL 2012- PD Workshop

  • Nov 26, 2011 from 11:00am to 1:30pm
  • Location: The AMIDEAST Premises
  • Description:

    11:00 AM-12:00 PM

    How Can You Give a Successful Conference Presentation?

    A room full of eager attendees, a 45-minute session, a nervous presenter, all these sound familiar. What should you do when giving your first conference presentation? This session will present ideas for making your first attempt to present at conferences an effective beginning to your own professional development. For more experienced presenters, practical suggestions will be shared and a final checklist of do’s and don’ts will be compiled.

    Presenter's Bio:

    Rania Jabr is a Senior English Language Instructor at the American University in Cairo, Egypt and a teacher trainer, test developer, a published article writer. She is also the Chair of NileTESOL 2012, AUC’s International English Language Conference.

    12:00 PM – 1:30 PM

    Spice up Your Presentation with Prezi

    Want a way to get out of the box?  Powerpoint, while a very effective tool for sharing information artificially forces us into linear, hierarchical way of thinking

  • Created by: Mohamed Omar
November 17, 2011
  • Interactive Courses on a Shoestring Budget محاضرة الكترونية مجانية توفير نفقات أدوات البناء والتأليف للمحتوى الالكترونى

  • Nov 17, 2011 from 9:00pm to 10:00pm
  • Location: US Europe Australia Middle East
  • Description:

    Register at

    In today’s economy, budgets are shrinking and yet expectations from training programs keep increasing. The classic - ‘Do More with Less!’. While that’s easier said than done, it’s certainly not impossible. Using tools makes the job easy. However in a market flooded with interactive course creation tools, deciding which tools will best serve your needs and hence prove to be the best use of your budget can be rather confusing. For this purpose, we have organized a free expert webinar to discuss the challenges facing course creators, and how those can be addressed while staying within the boundaries of technology, customer requirements and budget!

    Join us as a panel of industry thought leaders discuss best practices and tips for creating "Interactive Courses on a Shoestring Budget". The panelists will also share information about several tools that they believe offer a great Return On Investment (ROI), ranging from free tools to others that are moderately pri

  • Created by: Mohamed Omar
  • Culturas en diálogo - Día Internacional de Filosofía de la UNESCO

  • Nov 17, 2011 to Nov 18, 2011
  • Location: Argentina-Bélgica-Chile-España-Mexico
  • Description:

    En el día internacional de la filosofía de UNESCO y como contribución a la Conferencia sobre Educación Global 2011 se crea el siguiente evento, que invita a compartir reflexiones y sugerencias sobre educación global desde Iberoamérica (en español) y que contiene varios links a materiales audiovisuales educativos.

    “Culturas en diálogo” es una reunión que se viene dando en varios lugares del espacio y el tiempo a partir del 2007 en el marco del Foro Universal de Culturas. Un diálogo interdisciplinario, intercultural, e intergeneracional nos ayuda a reflexionar sobre los ideales y propuestas que la región iberoamericana ofrece ante los desafíos globales. Muchas gracias!

  • Created by: M C Patricia Morales
November 12, 2011

  • Nov 12, 2011 at 11:00pm to Dec 31, 2011 at 12:00pm
  • Location: Zocalo DF
  • Description: Movida chévere de chavos&chavas ideal Nol. 

    La Plaza de la Constitución = el Zócalo. Ciudad de México DF. México.

    Invita a tus cuates a venir y a festejar el Sábado 12 con todos nosotros pues, jóvenes de la generación Ideal Nol desde México y lanzar un gran saludo colectivo de amistad al Mundo como si de nuevos carteros on-line se tratara: Elo k T? ta chido! Q Onda! Chuliii! Tu puyuo! Guai! Cool! V!
  • Created by: Enric Cabrejas Iñesta
November 3, 2011
  • Participación social y participación digital

  • Nov 3, 2011 from 4:00pm to 5:00pm
  • Location:
  • Description:

    Este jueves 3 de noviembre tendremos webinar sobre participación social y ciudadana con Alberto Serdán, quien actualmente es Vocal de Organización de la Coalición Ciudadana por la Educación y fundador del Colectivo Camina, Haz Ciudad y la Asamblea Nacional Ciudadana.

  • Created by: Daniela Perez Michel
November 2, 2011
  • Webinar: The Role of Religion and Ethnicity in Modern Afghanistan

  • Nov 2, 2011 from 4:30pm to 5:30pm
  • Location: Online
  • Description:

    The United States has been engaged in military operations in Afghanistan for the past decade, yet most Americans know very little about the country's complex history and culture, and only 12% of students in the U.S. can locate Afghanistan on a map. This timely webinar series elaborates on three themes drawn from Homeland Afghanistan, an online resource created by the Asia Society that explores the geopolitical and cultural heritage of Afghanistan through 75 vibrant and information-packed documentary videos. Each webinar will feature a dynamic presentation by a noted scholar, an interactive question and answer session, and a bibliography that includes classroom-ready resources. Attend one, two, or all three of the webinars to enhance your knowledge of Afghanistan and gain deeper insight into Afghanistan's rich political, religious, and artistic traditions.

    This webinar is the second in a series of three. 

    October 12, 2011: Politics and Political Culture in Afghanistan since the 19th Centu

  • Created by: Maggie Epstein @ Primary Source
October 24, 2011
  • Webinar: Taking Students to China: Building Opportunities for Deep Learning

  • Oct 24, 2011 from 7:00pm to 8:00pm
  • Location: Online
  • Description:

    Taking Students to China: Building Opportunities for Deep Learning


    Course Date: October 24, 2011
    Time: 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. EDT
    Fee: $15

    To register contact


    Going to China can be a transformative experience for students by reinforcing classroom learning and sparking new modes of inquiry. Educators who are planning to take students to China or who are considering doing so will learn why this is an exciting undertaking and how they can maximize the learning outcomes.

    Questions about working with students, parents and schools, how to organize the tour, and how to create an incredible travel experience for the participants will be discussed.

    This webinar will take place live, online and is designed especially for educators of grades 6-12. You will need a computer with an Internet connection and speakers or a telephone to participate. Further instructions about joining the webinar will be sent to registrants.

  • Created by: Maggie Epstein @ Primary Source
October 11, 2011
  • World Savvy's Sustainable Communities Professional Development Institute NYC

  • Oct 11, 2011 at 9:00am to Oct 12, 2011 at 4:00pm
  • Location: TBD
  • Description: This two day workshop will model a variety of interactive teaching and learning strategies to engage diverse students in an examination of issues such as sustainable development, energy, food, water, transport and design on a local, national and global scale. We invite middle and high school social studies, science, math, language and creative arts teachers, school administrators, non‐profit leaders working with youth, and graduate students interested in global education to join us.



    PARTICIPANTS RECEIVE:                             

    • Hard copy of World Savvy’s Sustainable Communities Collaborators Guide
    • Free participation in the World Savvy Challenge or Media & Arts Program, designed to build students’ knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviors for global competence
    • Ongoing curriculum integration support from World Savvy



    Participation fee: $1000 per teacher

    -Register by July 15th to receive a 15% discount

    -Register 3 teachers from the same school and receive a 25% discount



    For more inform

  • Created by: Daniel Carlton
October 10, 2011
October 6, 2011
  • Badges 101--Digital Media and Learning Competition Webinar

  • Oct 6, 2011 from 3:00pm to 7:00pm
  • Location: Online at
  • Description:


    The Badges for Lifelong Learning Competition has launched a broad, open, critical, and constructive conversation about digital badges, visual representations of 21st century skills and achievements. We invite you to learn more about open badges and this Competition during a series of interactive webinars hosted by the Mozilla Foundation and the HASTAC/MacArthur Foundation Digital Media & Learning Competition. 


    During our first Badges 101 webinar, we will address questions about the basics of badges: What are badges? What are open badges? How can badges work for learners? We will also address additional questions about badges as submitted by webinar participants. Questions can be submitted in advance by emailing and including "webinar question" in the subject line.


    Badges 101 takes place Thursday, October 6, 2011 at 3pm EST / 12pm PST 

    Time: 3pm EST / 12pm PST 

    Duration: 50 minutes 

    Location: GoToWebinar at
    Advanced registrati

  • Created by: Mandy Dailey
October 3, 2011
  • i-Spy Community Project

  • Oct 3, 2011 to Oct 28, 2011
  • Location: Sao Paulo, Brazil
  • Description:
    This collaborative project aligns with a social studies unit on communities and is appropriate for students in grades 1 to 3. This 4-week project will start on 3 October 2011. 
    i-Spy Community project was developed by the grade 2 team of teachers and technology coordinator at Graded - The American School of Sao Paulo. We are looking to involve a small number of geographically and culturally diverse schools that are able to commit to the project.

    Please join the project by following the instructions on the project wiki. Should you have questions not addressed on the project wiki, please feel free to contact Jennifer Peterson

  • Created by: jennifer.peterson
October 1, 2011
  • Afghanistan : Women Making Change October 01, 2011 - October 10, 2011; October 1-10, 2012

  • Oct 1, 2011 to Oct 10, 2011
  • Location: Afghanistan
  • Description:

    After three decades of warfare, Afghanistan continues to strive towards reconstruction, despite weaning support for the NATO-backed government and the Taliban insurgency. Within this challenging environment, Afghan women are taking reconstruction, coupled with creating social change, into their own hands. On this tour, you will experience first-hand, the inspirational work of Afghan grassroots organizations, speaking to many of the women leading the drive for change.Specifically participants will explore the current political landscape and the challenges facing grassroots organizations in reconciling a history of conflict with today's needs and threats. Join Global Exchange Reality Tours and Afghans4Tomorrow as we learn and support the tremendous local efforts trying to rebuild a nation.

    Program Highlights may include:

    • Meet with Women's organizations and vocational training centers.
    • Learn about micro-lending projects and small businesses for women at PARWAZ.
    • Visit the Red Cross Rehabilitat
  • Created by: Global Exchange Reality Tours
September 30, 2011
  • The International Class

  • Sep 30, 2011 at 6:00pm to Jun 18, 2012 at 7:00pm
  • Location: East Side Institute
  • Description:

    "The activity based-theory, the performative approach, and the emphasis in community building are the key elements of a psychology that blurs the distinctions between clinic, politics and the arts."

    --Murilo Moscheta, psychologist and therapist, Brazil
    APPLY NOW FOR 2011-2012
    The International Class
    of the East Side Institute for Group 
    and Short Term Psychotherapy

    A Global Learning Community


    Since 2004, more than 60 community and university based practitioners from across the US and 16 other countries have enrolled in The International Class of the East Side Institute.
    Among them are psychologists from India, Brazil and Denmark; applied theatre practitioners from Kenya and Canada; educators, scientists and doctors from Pakistan, Serbia and the United States; community organizers from Uganda and Taiwan; psychotherapists from South Africa and Argentina; and youth workers from Nicaragua and Mexico.
    Coming from different places and professions, they share

  • Created by: Melissa Meyer